Dragon War 8 Booter
Dragon war 8 has many options :
1- Booter Options :
Dragon war 8 is using 2 exploits and many booting options ( Single and multi ) :
* Exploit sp1 kill all clients which working with servers sp1 and mud
* Exploit Ac4 kill all clients which working with servers Ac4
* Exploit Mix ( kill all Clients which working in sp1 or AC4 or mud servers)
Auto Resume Booting - ur vt will dc when he back online again ( Old School booting)
Added 2 ways to get Y-T-Cookies - Crumb + new option to add http proxy to get Cookies :

Dragon War Chat Cleint

Using 3 protecion mode
* Dragonz Shield protection : for subaccounts / profile ids make the id fully unbootable and u can write and see chat messages+ ability to enter 2 ids in room from the same client
* Auto ignore Mode : ignore any spam pms or boot packets so u will not recive any packets again from the ids which ignored - mean no chance to recive packets more than 1 time from the booter
Room booter : which can dc all clients in room + ability to add ids to safe list
Robot Annoy : New trick u can copy messages of chatters with same fonts and smiles
Disconnect all Messy in room ( 8 - 9 ) : New option to dc all messy chatters in room any version
Packet Sniffer : u can see all packets sent to u so u can report us with the packets to filter it in Auto ignore Mode
Clean Chat Room : New option - if u want only chat in chatroom with some chatters without see any chat Messges from Other chatters u can use this option
Client Detector : which can detect all clients in room and show u it in chatters list with icon of protection and also in client detector Form u will see id + protection name written
Protection Spy : u can hide ur Client - mean u can choise protection u want hide under it - example u can click i want use yahelite so u will be shown to users as yahelite user - supporting all clients ( ysupra - yazak - yahelite - ymlite - yahaven - no5 ) also auto change client every custom seconds
Voice Chat Room : Voice enabled in this version so u can hear voice of chatters also speak and ignore any chatter abuses room
H - Freeze : old trick in d-w 7 and back in d-w8 which prevent any yahoo messy users from typing
Laggy Option : u can laggy the chat using laggy option which sending random colors to chat room with custom speed
Welcome message : Auto Welcome message for every user join the room
Download Free: Dragon War 8 Build