We know that some users are having trouble signing into 9.0 after installing the latest version ( The problem typically happens like this: you download and install the latest version but when you go to sign-in, you get an error and are asked to try again later. But even when you try later, the error continues.
If you are experiencing this issue with Yahoo! Messenger and are seeing an error like the one pictured with this post, we need your help in diagnosing the problem. Ideally, we’d like to hear from users in the U.S. or Canada that have this issue, and that are willing to be contacted by phone. If you fit this profile, please email us at ymessenger_2112@yahoo.com with your name, phone number and best time to contact you.
Please only contact us if you are interested in helping us troubleshoot this issue.Let me know if any one of my Blog readers faced this issue.
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