How to track Yahoo Booters IP address?

I have been chatting for quite while at Yahoo. I noticed it that more and more lamers/wannabe are infected the yahoo chatroom. Even myself got booted many times, again n again. I used to packet sniffed all incoming PM/etc.. from yahoo. I have seen so many IP addresses, Anyway, I would like to share this short info to anybody interested it.

Here it is:

Ok this is not real special and it is a pain in the butt.But if you have a packet sniffer that filters packets by the data in them this could be useful. Just get CommView from the Run the program and put "YMSG" in the filter and then you will see everything sent to you thru messenger, because the server does not filter the PM's, the client does. This may come in handy if you get booted for some reason and you didnt see who did it or it was sent from an offline message, just check the packets and you have your lamer/wannabe cought red-handed.

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