Room Booter Flooder Yahoo Exploit By Dazza

Ok Guys here is the room yahoo exploit from Dazza which disconnects almost everyone out from yahoo chat room. It will disconnect all chat clients within seconds use 100 or more bots for better results. Have fun until yahoo patches this room yahoo exploit.

yahoo room exploit


Its pretty simple, load your bots about 100. Login the chatbot to get the roomlist, safelist your mates and hit the charge server next to the roomlist. wait 30 seconds and hit release. If there are any left charge and release once more just to be sure they are all on cs130 server. Amazing thing is safe list, so your id or your friend id wont dc and left the room.

Download RoomList Flooder By Dazza
Download Link Removed since yahoo exploit is not working

Since Yahoo had made recent changes on server. cs130 AC4 Server is Patched and so this yahoo exploit will not work.

Please read here

Ripper version of Room Yahoo Exploit

Here is the ripper version of above yahoo exploit tool.

yahoo room exploit


NOTE: Must First Show Room Bot from Top Menu, Then Login a ID (Note open the Bots already logged in) And Join the Room you wish to Attack!
-If Room Bot in Room you are able to Tick the option to Charge an Release Multi Victim Boot the whole Room List the Room Bot has!!
-Y Crash Quick Boot, One Logged in bot per Victim Sends Y! open pm crash exploit, to crash a open pms yahoo user! For Each user on the Room Bot Room List!
-Kill Room Users!

Download Link Removed since yahoo exploit is not working

Since Yahoo had made recent changes on server. cs130 AC4 Server is Patched and so this yahoo exploit will not work.

Please read here

Enjoy and keep visiting.



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this booter can hit cs130 server cause i can't boot yazak that assign to cs130.. any booter can hit yazak on this server??

Anonymous said...

hi, i have downloaded the file and it asked for a password. Could you please give me the password for the file. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dazza if you read this, can you recode this Program again?....This was the best ever..Please????