Building on the success of YEmote plugin, YEmotePLUS has been re-written from scratch to include all the features you requested and some additional. For those that want more then the simple smiley menu of YEmote; YEmotePLUS gives you access to ALL the secret and hidden Emoticons / Smileys quickly and easily, Multiple layouts let you organize smileys into groups and categories. Customize the layout/background colour with drag'n'drop smileys where you want them, even send your layout to friends running YEmotePLUS!. Click animated smiley to be insert automatically into your text. Full mouse over descriptions (and which versions of messenger Windows / Mac can see them). Right mouse button click to preview all smileys animating. New MSN Live mode switches to compatible smileys when chatting with your Windows Live Messenger contacts. See 'info' tab in plugin for more information / feature list. YEmotePLUS is a conversation plugin for Yahoo Messenger v8.0 and above, check screen shots and our website for more details on how to use plugins.
Version Information
Update: smileys only animate with mouse over using less CPU when idle.
Update: v1.1 re-written to include feature requests from users feedback
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