7 Latest Yahoo Messenger 10 Tricks

Let’s try the latest Yahoo Messenger tips and resources for Yahoo Messenger users. With following yahoo tips and tricks you can enjoy more of your Yahoo Messenger chat experience rather than boring simple yahoo chat routine.

1. Grab and Save Someone Yahoo Messenger Avatar- Yahoo Messenger Avatar is a Picture or Image that represent the owner of the avatar of yahoo Messenger user(s). At this time, we would give you a simple trick to grab the avatar of yahoo messenger from somebody else / someone else they get and save it to your storage disk in your local computer (desktop, PC an else). You can then use that avatar for your own avatar or just share with your friends. More Details

2. Tweet Away Your Messages using Yahoo Messenger: Twitter-Sync is a new plug-in from WackyB that lets you keep Twittering away when using your favorite Instant Messenger. It keeps your Messenger status and Twitter in synchronization with each other. By changing your Yahoo! Messenger status updates your Twitter automatically! More details

 3. Trick To Login Multi Yahoo Messenger 10 - If you have multiple yahoo ID's and wants to login with more than one yahoo ID at the same time then don't worry, you can login with more than one yahoo ID at the same time using this tip. There is no need to install any other yahoo multi messenger version, you can easily covert your normal yahoo messenger into multi messenger and enjoy your many ID's at the same time. More details

4. Remove Annoying Ads from Yahoo Messenger 10 - To remove and disable ads displaying on Yahoo Messenger 10. Remove the irritating Yahoo Messenger ads using Yahoo messenger Ad Banner Remover Plus

5. Detect The Invisible Person in Yahoo Messenger - Does anyone cheating you on yahoo messenger , keeping you in stealth mode so whenever they come online they appears to be offline or invisible in your messenger. Now no more hide and seek. More Details  

6. Yahoo Messenger Keyboard Shortcuts Keys- For some yahoo users, using mouse to open feature(s) in Yahoo Messenger make a little time longer if they didn’t know the location links of the features. It is faster and easier if they try to use Keyboard Shortcut to open those features or application. More Details

7. Hidden Yahoo Messenger 10 Emoticons: Surprise your friends with these hidden yahoo emotions and smiley’s. You won't find these in the emoticon menu, but you can send them by typing the keyboard shortcuts directly into your message.  More Details

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